Christos Ch. Tzormpatzakis, , M.D, MSc, PhD.
Graduated from the postgraduate department of medical statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
PhD of Medicine, University of Athens.

On this website you will not find medical information and instructions. One of the instructions I give parents is not to search the internet. So I will not do what I criticize. You won't find research and studies that you don't understand as these are things for the doctor to judge and apply.
From time to time you will find useful announcements and topics that concern all parents and I feel they need to be informed and focused on. Not only medically, but from all the issues concerning children's development, such as social, educational, religious and many others.
Your opinion on these is important and I would like it from anyone who is interested in.

As long as it is done... with love... always...!

When I finished medicine, I was faced with a huge volume of medical studies, which I found difficult to evaluate as I did not have sufficient knowledge of statistical analysis. The problem was solved by the Athens University of Economics and Business, which had and still has a postgraduate department related to the processing and analysis of medical data. Thus, today I can not only properly design a study, but - most importantly - I can understand and evaluate what I read and hear at conferences.

Το διδακτορικό με δυσκόλεψε αρκετά καθώς έπρεπε να συνεργαστούν τμήματα διαφορετικών νοσοκομείων, αλλά μετά από αρκετά χρόνια και τεράστια προσπάθεια ολοκληρώθηκε και αφορά τη συσχέτιση βάρους γέννησης και νεφρικής λειτουργίας στην εφηβεία σε παιδιά γεννημένα με κυστεοουρητηρική παλινδρόμηση.

I have been dealing with Byzantine music for many years, which was sealed with this diploma, which is also the highest of the Byzantine music degrees. The study of music and theology plays a decisive role in shaping the decisions I make in my life.


Οι καλοί γονείς αλλάζουν την όψη του κόσμου

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